
Week 2 in MATS B – Baby apparels

I had so much fun with this week’s assignment, Cowboys, cowgirls and rodeo for the baby and toddler market. I started sketching, Cowboys and cowgirl, but soon they turned into cowmice instead, and then came a butterfly horse along to join in on the fun. I was drawing non stop all week, and had it not been for the deadline on Sunday, I would probably still be drawing.






Make Art That Sells, week 1: paper goods

First week of Lilla Rogers, Make Art That Sell, part B, is over. The assignment was: make a winter Holiday card that includes penguins and igloos. I started out doodling just that, without a clue of where I was going with this. I actually got sort of bored with the subject, but then I remembered Lilla suggested make a card you would give to a friend, and then it all came together. The illustration went straight forward, I didn’t once stop to question my decisions and the card was done, except for the lettering by Friday. Which were a good thing, since we threw a halloween party for the kids and 15 of their friends on Saturday. It felt good waking up Sunday  morning, and just having to finish the planned lettering and then submit my work.
I hope the next few weeks works just a smoothly as this one.
The final card, and a few of my initial ideas and sketches, and a warm up study of penguins.
Happy Monday MetteEngell_penguinsMetteEngell_penguins and igloos

…tis the season…

A Halloween illustration I did as part of the ,#HalloweenCyberParty, an idea conjured up and hosted by the lovely  Jan Clifton Watford . Its an ongoing event all October, with all things Halloween related; book and app review, and of course illustrations.

Everyone’s invited to the#HalloweenIllustratorsCyberParty – see you there




Brand new portfolio and new adventures

For the past almost 2 years, I've been focusing on taking classes and working on my skills. It's been almost a sabbatical, I've been fortunate enough to not having to take on a lot of clients, and just focus on my family and my work. As this year moves steadily to an end, I find myself happy with where my artwork is. So over the summer I've been creating new artwork for my portfolio and getting ready for what hopefully will be my new adventure; getting an agent.


This week's is my kids fall break, and although we do have a lot of engagements, I'm trying to slow down this week, before the last class for this year begins. Lilla Roger's make art that sells, part B. I learned a lot from part A, and I'm looking forward to part B. This time I know how much work to expect, and I think I'll be able to enjoy the process a little more this time with less stress.


Another project I've been working on this year, is illustrating a picture book. Luckily for me, this has no deadline, so I'll work on it whenever I can find some time. It's been so much fun, planning and storyboarding, and thanks to my critique group, I keep improving.



As I started this year, I told myself that this was my year, I hope that all my hard work will pay off, and that I can start a new chapter in my illustrator career by the end of this year.



Thanks for reading, and hopefully you'll enjoy my new portfolio.





He’s too wild for kindergarden.

A spread from a picture book about a boy with ADHD.
