Blueprint May 14-16th
I’ll be at Blueprint this week in New York. Well actually I won’t be, but my artwork will – represented by Cinnamon Joe Studio.
I’ll be at Blueprint this week in New York. Well actually I won’t be, but my artwork will – represented by Cinnamon Joe Studio.
A while back I was featured on Kidlit411, – you can read the interview here. Kidlit411 is a wonderful resource for Children’s writers and illustrators. The site is the brainchild of Elaine Kiely Kearns, a writer of picture books and middle grade literature, and Sylvia Liu, an illustrator and writer.
They have collected a ton of information and inspiring spotlight, on both agents, writers and illustrator. If you’re interested in that world, you should definitely stop by Kitlit411
While doing some watercolor doodling yesterday, I decided to try and scan my doodles and see how they would turn out as vectors, and this is the result. It’s far from perfect or thought through, but it definitely has potential.
Since I’m used to working with a limited pallette for surface design, I recolored the vectorized artwork with the settings set to, I think, 10 colors.
Below is the vectorised “finished” pattern and the original scanned watercolors.
We bought our house about 12 years ago. Back then, the neighborhood was mostly old yards filed with huge old trees. My street is not paved, it’s a gravel road, and I only have to cross one road to be in the middle of the most gorgeous woods. There’s mostly tall Scots pines, but theres also some old oaks, and birches out there. It takes about 15-20 minutes to walk to the ocean from here, depending on which path you choose. Needless to say I love my spot on this planet, and we fell in love with this place for it’s somewhat deserted and wilderness the first time we visited up here.
Unfortunately not all people who buy houses have the same love for old trees as I have, so over the years I have watched so many of the beautiful old trees been cut down around me, in favour of a plain lawns with nothing, but a fancy bbq and a large parasol. And this year, I have to say goodbye to most of the old trees flanking my own yard, because the neighbors want a fence instead…I keep telling myself, that there’s still trees in my yard, but I’m having trouble letting go of the 4 huge Scots Pine in my backyard.
Lately I’ve been experimenting a lot more with actual paint. I started incorporating watercolor, gouache, and other textures into my digital artwork a year ago, but the more i play with paint the more i want to use it. There’s just something special of mixing and painting in real life versus staying digital all the time.
Many years ago, I made all my illustrations in watercolor, colored pencils and gouache, but then I had kids.
Babies and toddlers are a wonderful experience, but you never know when they’re hungry, awake etc….so I started working digtial instead, because then I could work in between my kids needs without having to worry about forgetting my favorite brush in the water jar (yup, I ruined a lot of treasured brushes that way). Today my kids are 7, 9, and 11 – and they don’t interrupt my workflow as much anymore, partly because they’re in school most of the day.
Anyways after 10 years of mainly painting digital, I’m struggling with the real media, and while doing that i’ve been enjoying following Lisa Congdon on Creativebug for inspiration.