So funny, last weekend I had set an entire day aside for making art with my kiddies. We all worked in our Art journals, and it was so much fun. I made an ink drawing, without any pencil sketches first, and then I planned to use watercolors to finish it. However much to my surprise, I discovered that the 2 hours i spend on doodling a spread went by in a second, and I enjoyed every second. However when I started coloring, the process I thought I would enjoy the most, I found myself quickly bored. So i picked up my ink pens again, and stared doodling like crazy, I couldn’t stop…every single spare moment this week has been used with my sketchbook in one hand and my pens in the other. This morning I ended up doodling an entire A3 page to make a card for one of my friends daughter, who got confirmed today – I hope she liked the card 🙂
Here’s a few of my sketches i did this week.